Goten Boner

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Archive for the category “Gotenks”

Bio Brothers – Chapter 1

Alternative title: Saiyan Clones – The title of this story may change.

Warning: Contains Fanfiction Shota & Yaoi of DBZ. 18+ Adults Only

Written by: DBZFanGoten and Gotenboner

Characters: Trunks, Goten, Gotenks, Truten, and maybe more

There will be more chapters added to this story. Enjoy the first chapter to be published! Make sure to share the love =) with a simple comment or social share!

Trunks and Goten

Chapter One

The Cloning

Dr. Collie, the scientist who had worked for Lord Jaguar had lost virtually everything, his bio lab was destroyed by a disastrous bio-cloning experiment that was Bio-Broly. The remains of the lab were cover in goo-blobs, seaweeds and sea water, rendering it totally unusable.

To make matters worse, all his workers quit their jobs and left the bio-warrior project. Dr. Collie himself, gave it up as well and pursued a new project to work on with a new team of scientists and made a vow never to work for Lord Jaguar again.

Now there was a young man who took an interest in the two boys that rescued them from the destructive, ever-increasing blob, and he happens to be a boy-lover.  With Dr. Collie and the lab both gone. this man started his own bio-boy project. Since he was involved in creating the pods and equipments needed to clone people from a single DNA, he was able to recreate the lab but made it small enough to fit in the basement of his own home.

Interestingly enough, he has obtained a single hair from both boys that he found on his own lab coat. DNA-scanning confirms they were the hairs of the boys he seeks. Now all he needed to do was to start the cloning process and make some adjustments.

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